I am to produce a piece of work in response to the theme 'hidden' including intense research in the form of investigation and experimentation.
Feel free to leave any comments you would like to make.
I like this image because of the fact you can see the mirror within the grass however still has an optical illusion element about it. Compared to other optical illusions this one has been taken out of the usual context and involves the nature surroundings, which i find quite unusual and interesting.
I really like the idea of having an object being hidden within the space around it, quite like camouflage. As with the image above you can see that the person is in the image however its been so well done you have to take a second glance just to make sure!
I really like the detail within this image. I would love to know the process that has been made to produce it. Although i feel it cannot of been painted onto the person however if it has been done using the computer it would disappoint me slightly!
Staying with the theme of hidden objects within the image I found these amazing cut out pieces by Hina Aoyama, which astound me how intricate they are. It's the hidden detail that impresses me most, until you look closer you can see how much effort and careful cutting it took to produce these images. The top image as you look around the pieces you can see little flowers and birds weaved into the intricate lines that seem to be all connected.
I really like the different patterns that weave together smoothly and highlights parts of the herons body.